Every book is an island
Workshop: EVERY BOOK IS AN ISLAND Location: Andros, kato paleopoli, 84501 Gavrio, Greece Official Website Workshop Calendar: 15-19 October 2016,…
Photo Essays
Caesura – the duration of a sigh
“Caesura” is a collection of photographs about the transitory identity state of refugees and migrants entering Greece after crossing the…
Photo Essays
The Shadow of Things
Looking at Antigone Kourakou’s photographs, one fully perceives the suggestive range of photographic abstraction. Although there is scarce visual information…
Photo Essays
Going out of Business
With Greece in its 6th year of recession, tens of thousands of small businesses have been forced to close and…
Athens – City of Loneliness
Our city’s dark side emerged like being in a sickness period or mourning.
I documenti non determinano chi sei, ma dove si può andare.
Photo Essays
Back to the Cyclades, a trip in Greece
Here I am again, among those whitewashed streets, among these cats that are the most blessed in the world and,…
Spiros Zervoudakis | Trap
The boxed undersea world is dreamy. Aquatic creatures, mythical creatures and humans coexist in alien, utopian landscapes.