Slightly surreal atmospheres are the theme of this short collection of images of places or people, collected mainly in Rome, but not only, almost all of them during this year.
A year, like the two that preceded it, that is putting alarming warnings in front of our eyes, that is questioning certainties and solidities that were thought, in our part of the world, to be by now acquired and inalienable.
Now that the boundaries of things are blurring, that everything is blurring in uncertainty, the photographer’s eye can attempt to render this atmosphere, as has already been done in other, equally calamitous times, by highlighting the strangeness, the unreality of what it sees: by making it a metaphor.
Without overdoing it, however, just a few elliptical hints, a particular light, slightly dissonant juxtapositions, The void or disproportions: just a slight ironic sneer.