Having one’s own personal vision of the city, especially of a city like Rome, is not an easy thing.
One has to contend with centuries of images, not only photographic, with myriads of cheap postcards or sublime representations, and with one’s own tiredness and difficulty in finding ideas and subjects even slightly different from the usual.
In the series I am presenting here, I have tried to use a kind of magnifying glass, something that would alter the proportions in the urban context of certain small, unimportant details.
I have thus tried to give them weight and compactness within the series, and to identify each of them as the point at which a patina of normality, which I perceive as more apparent than real, shatters into a wacky story with no conclusion like a sardonic grin.
In this way, the following images represent, to use this rhetorical figure of speech as an analogy, a synecdoche (the part for the whole) in a discourse on my personal perception of the City.
Pietro Coppa has the rare gift to catch the essence of a City such as Rome even in a small detail
Grazie Lucilla