Other stories
Existence and Life in Kirovsk
27 May 2021
Existence and Life in Kirovsk
One-industry towns have a special atmosphere. It is especially noticeable in winter, when the city is at the mercy of…
Reactive isolation, Berlin
22 May 2021
Reactive isolation, Berlin
It’s something every single one of us deals with from the beginning of the CoVid-19 pandemic.
Impercettibili dissonanze e leggere incongruenze
10 May 2021
Impercettibili dissonanze e leggere incongruenze
Danzare sul filo del rasoio, lievi dissonanze, leggere incongruenze per rendere l'atmosfera di questi tempi.
Siamo quello che gli altri non vedono
6 May 2021
Siamo quello che gli altri non vedono
Una storia di emozioni, pensieri e stati d'animo. Una storia nata e raccontata attraverso una serie di autoscatti durante le…
Jesus Christ was resurrected in Drapetsona
28 April 2021
Jesus Christ was resurrected in Drapetsona
In 1950 Drapetsona in Piraeus harbour was the neighbourhood of the refugees, the immigrants, the poor people, the men who…
The silent Soviets
22 April 2021
The silent Soviets
Their idealism is frozen in time and their successes are immortalized in their noble gestures and proud strides, their crimes…
Wind Song, from the Jurchen kingdom
20 April 2021
Wind Song, from the Jurchen kingdom
But the place of power was full of gold, hidden by the shamans in the deep wells on the mountain.…
Isolation, among past and presentness
16 April 2021
Isolation, among past and presentness
Most of things have got changed by the urbanization. Cafe is one of those. In the early 1990s South Korea,…
Penelope’s last journey
12 April 2021
Penelope’s last journey
Penelope's last journey. Even for your last trip, we had to do it together. There will be no one like…
From dust and ashes
10 April 2021
From dust and ashes
Who and what is a person? It's a mystery to me. They say that a person's life is priceless. In…
Quarter Life Crisis Project
29 March 2021
Quarter Life Crisis Project
This is a project featuring black and white portraits of 21 millennials and their accompanying personal interviews regarding their quarter…
Sleeping Spring-Maiden
16 March 2021
Sleeping Spring-Maiden
I would like to wake up spring. Tell her to quickly come into her own. But spring continues to sleep.…
My grandma’s field
15 March 2021
My grandma’s field
This is about my grief after the death of my grandmother. These photos were taken from 2013 to 2018, I…
A roadtrip in the path of Greek National Resistance against Nazism
11 March 2021
A roadtrip in the path of Greek National Resistance against Nazism
A beautiful route in Greece is in Evritania area. The route is also a journey in the History of WWII.
I Am Always Here
9 March 2021
I Am Always Here
The photographs in this series chart a personal journey on the banks of the Blackwater estuary on the Essex coast.…
La cupola di San Pietro
5 February 2021
La cupola di San Pietro
Esistono monumenti come la cupola di San Pietro che da quando esistono sono stati soggetti di innumerevoli rappresentazioni, pittoriche, fotografiche,…
Un giorno qualunque, sulla terrazza del Pincio a Roma
22 January 2021
Un giorno qualunque, sulla terrazza del Pincio a Roma
Anche il tramonto del 30 settembre era un momento qualsiasi, sulla terrazza del Pincio a Roma le persone erano intente…
I love the daylight
16 January 2021
I love the daylight
I was born and raised a city dweller. When I was walking outside, the streets were everywhere. And the photographs…
Veli e barriere
4 January 2021
Veli e barriere
Raccolta di immagini di veli, barriere ed impedimenti vari, da cui evincere la loro futilità …