Yang Yongliang’s digital Chinese landscapes have redefined traditional landscape paintings, featuring a massive amount of urban images reconstructed, and recomposed. Poetic and quaint as it appears to be when seen from a distance, it unfolds a fable of modern civilization if one takes a closer look. His works have been exhibited internationally and collected by public institutions worldwide, including Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the British Museum in London, Paris Museum of Modern Art and National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.
Photo exhibition: Imagined Landscape, Yang Yongliang
Location: PARIS-B, 62 R. de Turbigo, 75003 Paris, Francia
Opening: MAR 11th – AVR 22nd, 2023 • Tuesday-Saturday, 11.00 am – 7.00 pm