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Photo Exhibition – Online

Dreaming in Landscapes: A Photographer’s Journey Through Iceland’s Beauty

Dreaming in Landscapes: A Photographer’s Journey Through Iceland’s Beauty

These images reflect how Iceland resides in his mind and heart today, frequently revisited in his dreams.
The Roma Princesses, by Manuela Federl

The Roma Princesses, by Manuela Federl

This captivating exhibition, available throughout January 2024, unveils a collection of twenty poignant photographs from the series ‘The Roma Princesses.’ Dive into the heart of ‘The Roma Princesses’ narrative, where a tale unfolds in the Roma ghetto, a princess ensnared…
GAIA by Jaume LLorens

GAIA by Jaume LLorens

Within this series, diptychs emerge as the artistic medium, a fusion of two photographs capturing natural elements from Jaume Llorens' local environment.
‘Rotan Switch’ by Lisa McCord

‘Rotan Switch’ by Lisa McCord

All About Photo is pleased to present ‘Rotan Switch’ by Lisa McCord.Part of the exclusive online showroom developed by All About Photo, this exhibition is on view for the month of August 2023 and includes twenty photographs from the series…
Mother Earth by Diana Cheren Nygren

Mother Earth by Diana Cheren Nygren

Nevertheless She Persisted A city girl and skeptic to my core, I feel an overwhelming sense of awe in the face of a desert spread before me or the expanse of the ocean. Within these magnificent landscapes, humanity seems small…
Railway Community by Steff Gruber

Railway Community by Steff Gruber

Over 300 cambodian families live in Phnom Penh’s “Kilometer 6” commune, which is located alongside railway tracks that stretch from the districts of Tuol Kork to Daun Penh and Russey Keo
‘The Sufi Brotherhoods of Senegal’ by Christian Bobst

‘The Sufi Brotherhoods of Senegal’ by Christian Bobst

After having worked for more then a decade in the advertsing industry as an award-winning art, Christian Bobst turned to reportage.
Patriarchal Sabbath

Patriarchal Sabbath

Photography exhibition ‘Patriarchal Sabbath’ by Monika K. Adler is a part of an online programme of the Auckland Festival of Photography 2023 in New Zealand. Patriarchal Sabbath is an allegory of resistance against gender inequality. Women must unleash themselves from…
Africa by Laurent Baheux

Africa by Laurent Baheux

When Laurent Baheux photographs animals, he becomes a portrait photographer who seeks to capture the originality of his subject. “I photograph instinctively, with my guts. For me, all that matters is the encounter”, says the man who has been traveling…
This Is Water by Ann Prochilo

This Is Water by Ann Prochilo

This Is Water explores self-awareness and its nemeses: blind certitude and unconsciousness. It is inspired by a story shared by David Foster Wallace in a commencement speech: “There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet…
Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Class, Race, & Economics in Rochester, NY

Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Class, Race, & Economics in Rochester, NY

All About Photo is pleased to present “Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Class, Race, & Economics in Rochester, NY” by Eric Kunsman Part of the exclusive online showroom developed by All About Photo, this exhibition is on…
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