
Revolutionary Mural Art in Baghdad

Revolutionary Mural Art in Baghdad

BaghdadIraqIn 2019, Baghdad was shaken by massive anti-government protests, the largest since the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and overthrew…
Laughter in Darashakran Refugee Camp

Laughter in Darashakran Refugee Camp

Darashakran refugee camp, home to around 13,000 Syrian refugees, is located less than an hour drive from Erbil, the capital…
The Metamorphosis, photo essay by Dlshad Jamal

The Metamorphosis, photo essay by Dlshad Jamal

Kurdish photographer Dlshad Jamal plays with our perception and expresses the hidden side of human being in of the modern…
Portraits as a mirror of the soul, photo essay by Omer Karim

Portraits as a mirror of the soul, photo essay by Omer Karim

Kurdish photographer Omer Karim uses his skills to capture artistic portraits, and the result is a fascinating photography collection that…
The Tale of Erbil’s Rubbish Pickers, photo essay by Aza Yousif

The Tale of Erbil’s Rubbish Pickers, photo essay by Aza Yousif

"KanĂ® Qirjale" is the the rubbish dump for the City of Erbil where the whole the families with their children…
Maryam Ashrafi | Kurdish women fighters

Maryam Ashrafi | Kurdish women fighters

Their battle, I believe, is harder than that of their male counterparts, as they are not only fighting for their…
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