Sabrina Ambre Biller
I am a french independant photographer living in Ousse-Suzan, Southwest of France.
Corpus Naturae
Ecological question
13 March 2021
Corpus Naturae
Le modĂšle fĂ©minin est le support dâune matiĂšre hybride avec la Nature. Notre corps est notre Nature, celui-ci interagit comme…
Terra Incognita, exploration of a visual and poetic territory
Photo Book
6 March 2018
Terra Incognita, exploration of a visual and poetic territory
Photo book "Terra Incognita" by Sabrina Ambre Biller & Lior Nadjar printed edition published by Les Presses Littéraires.
Terra Incognita
Other stories
10 February 2018
Terra Incognita
Is this the sharp perception of a observer or displacement into a form of interior poetry ?