Paulo Monteiro

Paulo Monteiro was born June 1963, in S. Miguel, Azores, where he currently lives and works. He has been a photographer since 1985. He has developed long term projects about various subjects, such as popular religiosity, profane festivities, architecture, landscape, Nature, or the world of work.
My concerns about sea level rise

My concerns about sea level rise

As a resident of a small island, I am very concerned about the consequences of rising sea levels, as islands…
Saint Stephen festivity in Grijó de Parada

Saint Stephen festivity in Grijó de Parada

These photographs document the Saint Stephen festivity, which takes place in the Portuguese village of Grijó de Parada.
Lazarim Shrovetide – four days of joy

Lazarim Shrovetide – four days of joy

Lazarim Portugal Lazarim is a town in the municipality of Lamego, which is located 12 kilometers from the city of…
Festivity of the Goat and “Canhoto”

Festivity of the Goat and “Canhoto”

This is an ancient ritual of Celtic origin. It was originally called "Samhain" and was the most important Celtic celebration…
Encamisada de Rebordelo

Encamisada de Rebordelo

Every year the inhabitants perform the "encamisada". This is a parade that runs through the streets of the village to…
False freedom

False freedom

I photographed these fishes in a public aquarium, where they are admired by visitors.The fishes are captive, but they appear…
Lumen prints of flowers

Lumen prints of flowers

Flowers transport us to a world of pure beauty, where there is no place for hatreds, wars, social inequalities, environmental…
Between tradition and modernity

Between tradition and modernity

This portfolio documents rituals with masks that take place in the Trás-os-Montes region, Portugal.
Saint Stephen feast in Ousilhão

Saint Stephen feast in Ousilhão

This series documents the Saint Stephen feast in Ousilhão, Municipality of Vinhais, Portugal. These rituals are of pagan origins, Roman…
The Soul of my People

The Soul of my People

These images reveal us rituals threatened both by globalization and by the folklore that the tourist flows feed, and perpetuate…
Carnival Warriors

Carnival Warriors

“Carnival Warriors” is the title of a long-term project that aims to document the Carnival rituals that take place in…
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