Marina Tsaregorodtseva
I was born in Russia, in 2009 moved to the UK where currently living. Moving to another country had a huge impact on my life: inability to share experiences and impressions with my family kind of forced me to restrain my feelings. That’s why you can notice two ideas in my work: on one hand, I’d like to show the world and share what impressed me, and on the other hand photography is my way of splashing out personal emotions through abstraction.
Still life photography
One Photo Story
8 October 2020
Still life photography
The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. Creativity is the foundation of still life photography
Summer heat
One Photo Story
6 July 2020
Summer heat
How is it even possible to photograph something that you can’t touch, something that you can only feel… like summer…
Greetings from afar
One Photo Story
27 June 2020
Greetings from afar
Everyone communicates differently: daily texts, occasional phone calls, long video chats - modern technology helps a lot… But what about…
One Photo Story
25 June 2020
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”Edith WhartonPeople we meet…
Pin it for Later
One Photo Story
11 June 2020
Pin it for Later
This photograph is inspired by my dream to see the Claude Monet’s garden. The positive thing of isolation - imagination…
One Photo Story
4 June 2020
My dream of space begins in childhood. I remember the astrology class at school and my first star atlas. Beckoning…