Ilya Osinchuk
Hello! My name is Ilya Osinchuk. I seriously became interested in photography in 2014. From that year I'm always trying to improve my skill and went from mobile to film photography. In my works and series of photographs I try to find and formulate the simplest truth that always lies on the surface, but so often escapes the view of the inhabitant. By simple and clear visual language I’am researching questions of loneliness and widespread poverty, transformation of society and development of science. Expressing my own vision of the world through photography I use ordinary objects around me, as the heroes of photo stories. Traction to simple and clear things in the frame makes shots minimalistic and not requiring overly extensive and complex interpretation.
Sunset of Russian village
19 August 2019
Sunset of Russian village
One after another, Russian villages are disappearing. A terrible regularity that can not be stopped.
Brave New Village
29 March 2019
Brave New Village
This is a story about the growth of many Russian cities. Massive new blocks are being built here on the…