Gautam Doshi
I'm an aspiring documentary and portrait photographer based in Mumbai. Unknowingly, photography has helped me through the hardest phase in my life. I strongly believe that the camera is the key to many untold stories and this is what makes me delve deeper into the unknown.
I am determined to push his limits in the creative documentary and slow journalism space and create compelling stories on issues and nuances that capture my curiosity about this complex world we live in.
Currently, I'm also studying "Deep Learning" and hope to document the various impacts of modern computing technology on different structures of society. I enjoy browsing through photographs and love making portraits while striving to find my voice as a visual artist and contribute to the fantastic storytelling culture of India.
Journey to Buddhahood: Inside A Nunnery
18 February 2019
Journey to Buddhahood: Inside A Nunnery
Through these photographs, I hope the viewers feel empowered themselves to embark on adventures to such remote but breathtaking locations…