Short stories

Perverse calories

As Troy Warriors, perverse calories
hide inside aromatic chocolates with horsey figures,
bleeding stakes, unlucky lobsters, and pedigree wines.

It’s a plot to enlarge my vulnerable stomach,
destroy my heart, wreck my figure, and crush my skinny self-esteem.

Exercise, says my doctor, go on a diet, whispers my wife
change your attitude, prescribes my therapist.

But there is a perverse conspiracy, the food pushers
attacks my feeble willpower with tasty commercials,
All they care about is gobbling my bank account.

A Broken Man, © Carlos Ponce Melendez
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Carlos Ponce Melendez

Carlos Ponce-Meléndez poems have appeared in The Dreamcatcher, The Poet, Voices Along the River, Desahogate, Small Brushes, The Texas Observer, El Angel, Celebrate, several… More »

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