At the beginning of the path, questions often arise about what is next, where to go. The dream sets the direction. Its achievement becomes the goal. Movement, a clear plan, a deadline help in the implementation of the plan.
Sometimes it takes time to get results. Don’t get upset after losing. We must try to move on again.
Even on the gloomiest days, it would seem that the situation is hopeless, the main thing is not to give up.
There is always a way.
There will always be someone who is at the same time with you.
There is always support in the person of like-minded people, mentors. You are not alone.
All those who meet on the path are teachers.
The main thing is to believe in your dream and go to it.
Whoever says what, the true goal is a journey to your present, and not just a wishlist. The road will be mastered by the walking one.