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One Photo Story




  United Kingdom

On the afternoon 30th Of May 2020 US astronauts launched on a private vehicle for the first time in history. People start talk about space travel again! 

My dream of space begins in childhood. I remember the astrology class at school and my first star atlas. Beckoning night sky! especially in winter, because it gets dark very early and stars seem brighter in a crisp air. How many stars and constellations are above our heads! With our arms spread out we fell down into a snow like into a pool … we stared into the sky and dreamed of flying into space. The sky absorbs: an indescribable feeling that the soul flies up!

I was making this photograph with my mind in sky: flowers become stars and round edges become orbits.

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Marina Tsaregorodtseva

I was born in Russia, in 2009 moved to the UK where currently living. Moving to another country had a huge impact on my… More »

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