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Looking a little sideways

Some time ago, talking to a good friend of mine, who is also a photographer, he pointed out to me that often in my photographs the subject was a bit off to the side, not in a central position, or from behind, or lost in a background full of details that weakened it.

Awkward hands. Rome, Borgo Pio, July 4th 2023.

I thought it was a weakness in my composition, or that my haste to shoot sometimes impaired the correct position of the subject, and I tried to correct what seemed to be a flaw.
And I found that it was not, the front view or the subject face and centre, except in rare cases, are not for me.

The mason’s shoes. Rome, Via Giulia, July 12th 2023.

My personal way of relating to the images I see and reproduce photographically is a bit more transversal in the choice of subjects and the way I render them: that slight sense of strangeness, incompleteness, or incongruity, which are the real subject of many of my photos, are not best rendered with a central perspective.

Heavy travel. Tagliacozzo (AQ), Via Borgo Nuovo, July 15th 2023.

Without forcing it, however, I do not like misplaced drooping lines or unnecessarily slanted photographs, I prefer to play on the somewhat unbalanced alternation of solids and voids, on the cut and the off-centre or unusual position of the subject.

Thoughts. Rome, Vicolo del Campanile, July 20th 2023.

The photographs I present here, taken at different times and places, and without a precise unifying theme, seem to me to be an example of how even a slightly sideways glance can capture subtle atmospheres.

Effects of air currents. Rome, Via Properzio, July 21th 2023.
The priest is gone. Mylopotamos beach (Greece), August 18th 2023.
Citation: Baci Perugina car park. Montesarchio (BN), Archaeological Museum, August 31th 2023.
Saints and shadows, portrait and selfportrait. Montefusco (AV), Via Roma, September 1st 2023.
Deforming mirror. Rome, Piazza Esedra, September 13th 2023.
Relax. Rome, Parco dell’Appia Antica, September 24th 2023.
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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.


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