
The Displaced of Oaxaca State

In Mexico there is a permanent and silent conflict between different religions and the authorities do nothing to stop it

The men of the family migrated to the USA to be able to support their relatives. 03-07-2019

Decades ago, religions other than the official Catholicism began to arrive in Mexico. Over time, this triggered a struggle for power between the different religions. In several towns in the state of Oaxaca, there was violence against people who profess religions other than Catholicism, and they suddenly had to leave their homes, losing all their belongings, and look for a home far from their hometowns, forcibly acquiring the legal status of “displaced persons.”

The state of Oaxaca paid 50% of the land and the Hernandez family is paying the remainder. 08-10-2019

The Hernadez Family is Evangelical, they lived in their former town with distant and deep Catholic roots, and one night they were forced to flee due to death threats. From one moment to the next, they lost what they had created during many years of work, a store and two houses, and even today they have not been able to recover their properties and will never be able to do so. The state gave them 50% of a piece of land and they are paying the other half, there they are rebuilding their life from scratch again.

Eliseo Hernandez had polio as a child, now he participates in the family economy by collecting plastic and cardboard to later sell it. 08-10-2019
A few months after her birth, Elisa had seizures that left her with brain damage and she cannot access specialist care for her condition. Her mother, when she finishes work, and her grandmother take care of her.
The Hernandez family raises domestic animals to support their consumption and their economy. 08-10-2019
The land that the government of the state of Oaxaca gave them has no services, they had to pay to have a well with water and they only have light bulbs in their houses powered by small photovoltaic panels. 08-10-2019
The Hernandez family was Catholic, but over time they converted to the Evangelical religion, which cost them exile from their hometown. 31-07-2019
Arriving at their new home and without resources, the family had to build their houses with wood and metal sheets, very hot in summer and very cold in winter. 01-17-2019
The Hernandez’s land is very large and they dream of being able to one day build their houses with concrete material and have a bathroom like normal houses. 07-03-2019
The adult women of the family and Eliseo work every day of the week while the young people attend school (their parents from the USA send money for their children’s schools) so that one day they can support the family with a better-paid job. 01-16-2018
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Vittorio D Onofri

He has exhibited in Mexico, Italy, Germany, Spain, USA, France. Book “Esquina” 2014. 2013 participated in “Prix Pictet”;2012 third place in Contemporary Photography Contest,… More »

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