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Fragments and quotations: an increasingly difficult city to tell

I confess that there are times when telling about my city and illustrating my relationship with it seems to become increasingly difficult. This will certainly depend on me, on my fatigue in searching for themes and images that are not the repetition of things already done, or on not finding myself too in tune with the transformations that are changing the city, especially the centre that is its symbol and showcase, into an open-air museum devoid of inhabitants and only traversed by crowds of visitors who are obsessively offered panem et circenses.

The fact is that nothing seems to happen in this city any more: once the pandemic with its load of slightly post-apocalyptic images is over, which, for goodness’ sake, no one regrets, everything has started again as before, more than before, like the words of an old song. Certainly the tensions, conflicts and fears that run through the world also echo here, muffled however by our disposition of spirit: we are like the three little monkeys that do not see, do not hear and do not speak.

And so I have no choice but to run after a few situations of ordinary madness, some fragmentary, unconnected and somewhat disjointed images, often with their backs turned, as if to distance themselves from them, and the resulting associations of ideas.

Processionaries. Rome, Via Cola di Rienzo, May 8th 2024.
Chimera. Rome, Via Natale Del Grande, May 9th 2024.
Sandwich you provoke me, I photograph you and eat you. Rome, Borgo Pio, May 11th 2024.
Sampei the fisherman. Rome, Piazza Ponte Umberto I, May 14th 2024.
In conversation with Napoleon. Rome, Via dei Coronari, May 14th 2024.
Cinderella! The slipper! Rome, Borgo S. Angelo, May 22th 2024.
Duel, a citation. Rome, Vicolo dell’Aquila, May 22th 2024.
Bacchanals are not for everyone. Rome, Campo de’ Fiori, May 22th 2024.
Legs. Rome, Via dei Giubbonari, June 12th 2024.
Even the lansquenets are sometimes late. Rome, Via di Porta Angelica, May 8th 2024.
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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.


  1. How weird, hyronic and funny are your fanthastic shoots! Very very peculiar and the titles too (but ther’s always a repetition at the last two, it’s a pity)

    1. Grazie Lucilla, è vero l’avevo notata anche io questa cosa della ripetizione, sui mie pezzi ed anche su quelli degli altri, sarà qualche problema tecnico.

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