
“Intertwined”, a project about my children’s

My children play at home. 20.02.2023


Seven years ago, I have become a mom of triplet girls. Since their birth, I have lived with the feeling that I am not enough because three of them need a mom at the same time. If I hug one, the other two beg for my attention too. Psychologists explain it as “twin rivalry”. I often forget about myself and violate my personal boundaries while trying to give same amount of time and affection to each daughter, and keep the house is order. We merge into a single organism.

My children play at home. 20.01.2023

The girls are very close and have an incredible bond with each other. It’s hard for them to separate even for a short period of time. Possibly, this is still influenced by other people in their life for whom they are “triplets”, they are confused and perceived as one. Passers-by on the street, teachers in kindergarten, coaches, and neighbours address them as “triplets”, without distinguishing them and seeing their own personalities.

Self-portrait with children. 10.01.2024

By taking self-portraits with my children, I slow down and look at us more closely from the outside, perhaps even feel and live those moments again. Through photography I capture moment that left in the past, but I can remember and live it again by looking at the photo. This way I document our life and get a therapeutic effect from the process.

My children play at home. 5.01.2023
Self-portrait with children. 24.12.2023
My children play at home. 10.11.2023
My children at home. 10.02.2024
My children at home. 05.03.2024
My children at home. 05.03.2024
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Elena Sakurova

The main subject of Elena's art is motherhood. The author finds her inspiration in her triplet daughters. Elena takes everyday life portraits watching her… More »

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