We stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 STOP WAR
One Photo Story

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I want my voice to be heard. Because I am not safe in my home (Russia). But I can’t remain silent about important social and political issues.
Propaganda and zombification have led us to disaster. TV justifies any inhumane actions, causes aggression and stupefaction. I am against propaganda, against imposition, against war.
February 22 I have reached the age of Christ . I’m 33. That’s why I used such a crucifixion reference. The pacifist sign is painted on the chest and a crown of thorns made of barbed wire on the head. This is my self-portrait .

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Conceptual Photographer, inspired by the power of womxn, the fight for freedom and equality. Feminist, Activist. 🏳‍🌈 I don't choose the subjects for my… More »

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