It is very difficult for us to make a choice! In 2020, there were regional elections in Ukraine and people chose one of the many candidates. But we are being substituted with those candidates who are not suitable for the management and welfare of ordinary people, the workers who build this state and develop it. We must vote for those who do not suit us. But there are brave people who oppose this injustice.
So this brave woman who went into conflict with the authorities and did not want to vote for those who were offered to her! She just crossed out and crumpled the ballot!
Why did I publicize this report!? Yes, because people are very passive when it comes to important choices in their lives! So many people do not come to vote on election day and think that nothing depends on their vote! And if everyone thinks so, then definitely nothing will happen for the better!
With these photographs, I wanted to show the world of how sometimes you need to defend your rights! Even when you’re being cornered, you can still boldly express your position like the woman who just crumpled her ballot did! She did not agree that she was cornered by those candidates who did not suit her! We are often left with no choice in life! But we humans must always fight for our lives!