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Urban landscapes

A few centuries ago, at the turn of the first millennium, it was said that city air makes one free, and indeed in those centuries after the year 1000, urban civilisation in Western Europe, which had gone through a period of decline in the previous centuries, was reborn more robust and vibrant than ever.
Cities thrived, expanded, swallowed up the remnants of past civilisations and reworked them in new and original ways.

Descent to the underworld. Rome, Via di S. Onofrio, February 7th 2023.

They have been demolished and rebuilt on several occasions, they have from time to time become capitals of kingdoms, empires, republics, centres of commerce and culture, masterpieces of art.
With the industrial revolution, they devoured territory, and men, as far as the farthest continents, turning into megalopolises and reproducing their forms everywhere.

Night-time perspective. Rome, Via Bocca di Leone, February 27th 2023.

The wars and upheavals of the past century have destroyed or transformed them, but they have rebuilt themselves by cladding themselves in new materials, from the noblest to the most precarious, filling up with new inhabitants to the point of becoming in some cases immense slums.

Peripheral perspective. Rome, Via Attilio Ambrosini, March 6th 2023.

Cities have been depicted in a thousand ways: painting, drawing, prints, photography have them among their main protagonists. Whoever wants to measure himself against their image must confront the giants that have preceded him, quote them, paraphrase them more or less consciously.

An alien place. Rome, Piazzale del Caravaggio, March 6th 2023.

Today, it seems to me that cities, in a country as asphyxiated as Italy, exude an atmosphere of resigned waiting, of suspension, bent over their centres transformed into wax museums or suburbs full of undefined non-places.

Sunset on the bridge. Rome, Ponte Vittorio, March 13th 2023.
Citation from the 1920s. Milano, Corso di Porta Ticinese, April 3rd 2023.
Atmosphere from another time and place. Altamura (BA) Via S. Caterina, April 22th 2023.
Night desolation. Altamura (BA) Via Parigi, April 22th 2023.
Before the storm. Rome, Via Plauto, May 27th 2023.

Menacing sentinel

I wanted to render this air of slight necrosis with the leaden images that make up this report, almost devoid of people, in which the only protagonist in the foreground is an alien that looks like a menacing sentinel.

Watchbird. Rome,Ponte Umberto I, January 27th 2023.

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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.


  1. A story on Italian cities history – manly Rome – with great thecnics, a fanthastic vision and a peculiar point of view: wonderful images!

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