
The existentiality of memory

I started shooting all the presented works at the beginning of 2018 and continue to this day! The shooting took place in my hometown of Izmail, which is located in Ukraine in the Odessa region!

I was looking for old abandoned buildings where people once lived, these could be houses in which they lived, but the inhabitants died over time! Or houses that have been damaged by fire or earthquakes! The essence of this project is that everything that surrounds and is created by man remembers and absorbs human energy!

For example, a person builds the walls of a house with his own hands or paints the walls and ceiling, and at this time the energy of a person is transferred to these materials! That is, when a person comes into contact or lives for a long time with the things of his daily life, he gives up his energy, which all these things remember!

I called this project The Existentiality of Memory because the nature of things lies deep behind our understanding of it! For example, stones, sand, clay, cement, putty, etc., all these materials contain quartz and silicon, which has a memory!

Living a long life, a person often shows emotional outbursts of his life, and this is an energy flow that quartz and silicon absorb! So it turns out that when a person dies or leaves the house in which he lived, then over time, drawings appear on the walls, ceiling and floor in the form of images of their owners!

Even when a person every day, entering the house, wiped his feet from the dust on a rag on the floor, then over time I began to notice that this rag also conveys an image similar to people’s faces!

Personally, more than once in the morning when I brew coffee in a Turk, he often runs away to the stove and I noticed that this spilled coffee also shows me some kind of pattern! And I came to the conclusion that all this is the existential energy of a person, which, over time, nature shows us in the form of images of this energy! I believe that science has not yet fully studied the aura of man and his soul!

I want to continue this type of filming in order to more subtly and deeply study the energy exchange between nature and man!

The walls see too. Destroyed wall of the house
Torn Consciousness. Destroyed wall of the house
Pathologist’s plate. Destroyed wall of the house
Queen of the galaxies. House wall after a fire
My dream. Congealed fat in a pot of soup
Coffee breath. Spilled coffee on the stove
Coffee temperature. Spilled coffee on the stove
Portrait of an old rag. Rag for wiping feet at the entrance to the house
The patience of an old rag. Rag for wiping feet at the entrance to the house
Swing for her. Cobwebs in an old abandoned house at the entrance
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Ruslan Morozov

Born in the city of Izmail, Odessa region, Ukraine. I work as a photographer in the local newspaper "Courier of the Week". I became… More »

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