At this beginning of the year 2023, I sense more clearly that the City is folding in on itself, in an increasingly withdrawn and closed position, that all vitality is ebbing away from it like the ebbing tide.
The decisions and major events that will affect the lives of each and every one of us are taking place far away, far beyond our reach, and far beyond the reach even of those who delude themselves that they have a say and the right to intervene.
In this indefinite and claustrophobic atmosphere, even the men and women of the City fade and lose their contours in the photographer’s eye, and only the places and objects remain to render this sense of impotence, precisely because they are minimal, superfluous, with no particular reason to be photographed: wrecks of the daily shipwreck.
With the series of images I am presenting here, all rigorously in black and white, a few anonymous and irrelevant objects and places, taken in Rome in the space of a few days in January 2023, I have tried to portray the City and the imperceptibly bewildered atmosphere one breathes while walking around it.
Location: Italy
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