
Undue juxtapositions

These days, and at my age, as well as being justifiably worried and uncertain about the future, indeed precisely because of this, one must also know how to have fun and play, as and as much as one can, with what one has at one’s disposal.

The camera is the extension of the photographer’s eye, it is the means to extract from the real world, modifying them, those images that express what the photographer has already seen with his mind’s eye, and this is a fascinating game.

In the series of photos I propose here, taken this year as always mainly in my city, but not only there, I have had fun looking for arbitrary juxtapositions between different and discordant elements, which lightly and with a certain amount of malice express some of that dazed absurdity that is one of my favourite keys to understanding the contemporary world.

Circulate, circulate, move along! Rome, Piazza Risorgimento, September 29th 2022.
Hero of the two worlds. Rome, Pincio gardens, October 26th 2022.
T-shirt. Marsala (TP), Via Roma, August 18th 2022.
Various road Signs. Subiaco (RM), Piazza S.Maria della Valle, July 16th 2022.
Choosing. Benevento, Via Vittorio Veneto, September 3rd 2022.
Pedestrians on the other side. Rome, Via del Corso, October 26th 2022.
Modigliani for garagemen. Rome, Via Vitelleschi, June 2nd 2022.
The Unmissable got off the motorcycle. Randazzo (CT), Via Umberto, August 13th 2022.
Romantic corner for prostate sufferers. Rome, Via Capoprati, April 24th 2022.
It‘s no laughing matter! Benevento, Corso Garibaldi, August 29th 2022.
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Pietro Coppa

Nato e vissuto a Roma, fotografo per antica passione.

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