What place do windows occupy in our life? What do they represent? Why is the window so attractive in many cultures around the world? Where does this mystery and versatility of the image come from?
Window opening… It can be simple, typical. Or maybe with a “zest” rounding, in the form of a figure or with carved platbands along the edges. So different, but all so alluring in shape, color and light in them. Or, conversely, gaping emptiness and darkness.
From the very childhood I was attracted by windows. Stranger’s, neighbor’s windows. Basically, I admired their light and laconic geometry from a distance. But it happens and dropped in. Of course, I understood that this should not be done. And that the person looking out of your window is frightening. But there are windows that are almost impossible to pass by. Once, I looked into such a pink-beckoning window. Outside this window was the children’s room for two girls my age. With many dolls and outfits. The interior of the room was pink. The girls were welcoming and we chatted a bit. Perhaps that is why I remember this incident. Because of communication. After all, usually peeping, you remain unnoticed.
My project “Windows” consists of scattered frames. The next frame does not follow from the previous one. But for me they are the same in visual meaning. The girl is knocking on the glass. She herself is locked in the room. Lonely and scared. Looks outside the window and waits for someone to pass by to call for help. The window in the photo resembles a keyhole. All that remains is to find the key…
In the next frames, the girl is playing the piano. A room without windows, which is also symbolic.
We are all locked up, behind the glass, outside the window, in the window. It is necessary to pick up the key, remove the hook from the window, throw off the chain from the lock…
(The project was carried out in the city of Minsk, from 2.10.2021 to 12.10.2021)