
Student Life During Lockdown

Basirhat,India – June 2020. Lazy Life

We all know that this lockdown situation is created by the covid-19 which is known as corona virus. The first case of COVID-19 in India, which originated from China, was reported on 30th January 2020. After that, day by day CORONA virus is spreading all over India. For us the remarkable day was 22nd March, 2020 because of 14 hours “Janta Curfew” for this pandemic situation but that day 90% Indians were careless about the pandemic situation. It was followed by mandatory lockdowns in COVID-19 hotspots and all major cities. During this lockdown all schools and colleges have taken a crucial step to organise some online classes to think about student’s future.

Basirhat,India – June 2020. Self studies

At the first stage of this lockdown, students were very happy because they feel relax from their daily busy routine. They thought that they enjoyed during this time with playing indoor games, video games, watching web series, chatting and video calling with their friends and learning their favourite subjects. Day by day this virus spread through human civilization and this occurs a panic situation. It’s effect badly on every families, economically and mentally. Source of income of every families have stopped which affects on parents of every students. Parents were strict on their children. These children are prisoner in their house.

Basirhat,India – June 2020. Online struggle

Leading this prisoner’s life, the students were feel very lazy and depressed which came out by their attitude. The whole life style of a student became change. In the normal life students have to wake up in the early morning and prepared themselves for the whole day. But in this situation, they woke up after 10 am. They don’t care about time and don’t follow their routine. They did not have any intention about their studies but they do it in very casual way. Schools and private tutors have started online classes and they gave the assignments which they should complete within the proper deadline.
Most of the time they spent their time by playing video games and electronics gadgets. Even in sleeping time, they are connected with their mobile phones.

Basirhat, India – June 2020. The Timepass

Day by day this prisoner’s life has became bored and disgusting for them. They want to go outside but the situation doesn’t. Getting out from this situation they have always watched the breaking news about Corona virus and relaxing themselves, they have interacted with their friends through video call.
In their free time, they play at roof or inside the room. As before lockdown, they felt that they played with their friends but at last all are empty now.
They have a hope that all will be fine one day and this pandemic situation will go and all situation will be as good as normal life.

Basirhat,India – June 2020. Hope for better time.
Basirhat,India – June 2020. Soul wants to going out but situation doesn’t.
Basirhat,India – June 2020. Relaxing time with Friend.
Basirhat,India – June 2020. Try to relief from the daily boring life.
Basirhat,India – June 2020. Try to enjoy.
Basirhat,India – June 2020. Loneliness
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Sayantan Banerjee

Sayantan Banerjee is an Indian male photographer from Kolkata and also a student of Journalism and Mass Communication. He has started his photography journey… More »

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