
In the paradise of soil

In the paradise of soil

Two women making noodles with a hand machine.

There were many mud houses in different places in Bangladesh, but nowdays they have become very rare. There is some mud houses which are still alive in Savar, Dhaka. But nowdays most of the people don’t live there. People are using them as a store room. Mud houses are the part of Bangladeshi culture. But they are getting lost day by day and civilization is the main reason. Nowdays people are comfortable with brick houses. But Mud houses are eco friendly and they are good for environment and human health. One day people will understand and will came back to their root.

A hand print in the wall of a mud house.

Isha and Yash.

Yash is making fun.

Monwara Begum and his house.

Bimola Begum.

Front side of Bimola Begum’s house.

A door of a mud house.

A shelf inside a mud house.

A stove of mud which looks like a face.

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Sayem Hasan

I am Sayem Hasan.I am a Student.Photography is my passion.I took photos with my Mobile Phone.I always try to show the situation of low… More »

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