Nothings eternal and everything will be vanished. All the precious memories, existences and connection someday will be vanished and feed the void that leave behind.
A personal project that firstly have a subjective purpose. In this project, I pushed photography media as an introspect instrument to rediscover the relationship dynamics between me and my mother. As an adulthood offers an endless possibility, the distance, desire, and loss of touch seems to blurred the connection between me and my mother. At one point, the concept of ‘Void’ creates an instant realization of this precious blurred connection that becomes the background of this project. Use a mortality angle as the main perspective to capture the image, analogue gear and pushed BW film to reach the desired mood, the result printed with adjusted size to fit with my introspect journaling process. In this process, it can be say that I try to force the void of future grief and loss. Make me more appreciated this connection and her existences before its vanished.