


Sightseeing·Landscape 1-May 2017

Having immersed in the realm of art for so many years, I find there exist no clear boundaries between different types of art. I just want to express my thoughts through these pictures by adequately adjusting the displaying pixel, adding film grain effect and making necessary artistic processing like sketch or daub effects, etc. I virtually feel that I can interact with these images. In fact, the Sightseeing·Landscape Series can be regarded as my soulmate to whom I’ve been talking lately.

Instead of faithfully reproducing those real life details, I’ve been trying to reveal the inner world of contemporary people behind their ordinary appearance, by creating artistic images and figures which can best interpret my feelings, attitudes and understanding of life and the world.

Sightseeing·Landscape 2-April 2017

Sometimes the appearance of these subjects seems to be somewhat fickle, I feel different today from what I felt yesterday, and maybe I will discover something new by tomorrow. So what changes? Me or the things themselves? These subjects affected our mind or they were influenced by us? In art creation, capturing the very essence of reality is more important than just vividly reproducing it. A fine work combines visual appeal with mental depth. The creating process of an artist is just a devoted experience in the physical world as well as in his inner world. To record and depict things while tramping alone, what I saw and experienced were just the truth I’ve been pursuing all along! This is the motif of my Status series.

Sightseeing·Landscape 3-April 2017

A fine work of image could be a manifestation of an artist’s personality, mind and thoughts, rather than a result of material equipment, mental diligence or technique. The word “source-image” refers to the mirror image of an artist’s inner world, which is sincere and natural. Such view is quite in line with a theory of traditional Chinese painting: “The (painting) style is the man”, which means an artist’s personality determines the quality of his artworks, or artworks represent his personality. Great image artworks faithfully record every step of the devoted and sincere journeys of an artist’s art exploration.

Amid the finite and infinite existence only by scrupulously experiencing and continuously researching can an artist win himself/herself a place in the art world, and succeed in revealing the spirit of sincerity and trueness with an enthusiastic heart and poetic expressions.

Sightseeing·Landscape 4-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 5-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 6-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 7-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 8-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 9-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 10-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 11-April 2017

Sightseeing·Landscape 12-April 2017

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Yongning Qian

Born in Shanghai in November 1968, Associate professor, Shanghai University of Engineering Science College of Art and Design, Member of Shanghai Artists Association. In… More »

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