International Photo Festival

Experimental lab with Yumi Goto: Photobook as object

Yumi Goto

The first Experimental Lab by Japanese curator Yumi Goto in Europe will take place in GetxoPhoto Festival

How to turn a photographic body of work into a book? For the first time in Europe, curator Yumi Goto will be jointly running a very special 5-day Experimental Lab on the Photobook as an object, accompanied by Spanish artist Juanan Requena.

This workshop will explore the stages in creating a photobook – from conceptualising to editing/sequencing of images to designing, to selecting formats and size and printing of the photobook. The workshop, taking place in Fundación BilbaoArte, will emphasize the development of the narrative, analyzing its relationship with materials and formats to communicate their ideas and produce a dummy photobook.

The dummies will be presented publicly during the Opening Week of GETXOPHOTO Festival (from August 31st to September 3rd, 2017)
Days: August 23, 24, 28, 29 y 30
Place: Fundación BilbaoArte, Bilbao, Spain
Price: 450€
Maximum number of participants: 12
Deadline for receiveing the applications: 30 June, 2017
Notification to the selected participants: 15 July, 2017

Born in Tokyo in 1966. She is an independent photography curator, editor and reserchear who focuses on the development of cultural exchanges that transcend borders. She collaborates with local and international artists who live and work in areas affected by conflict. She often works with human rights advocates, international and local NGOs as well as being involved as a nominator and juror for the international photographic organizations. Yumi is a co-funder and curator for the Reminders Photography Stronghold, a space in Tokyo enabling a wide range of photographic activities.

Juanan Requena by Jean Freetz

Juanan was born in an arid village in Spain, where he was captivated by the horizons as he built huts among the maize fields. Following beautiful failures and continuous drifts, he moved to the South Sea, where he learnt hendecasyllables and quejíos selling books and serving coffees. He became a traveller while wiring the tours of rock ‘n’ roll bands and filling up endless diaries. In this way, he roamed nomadically until he persuaded himself that poetry and the gaze could converge in the same incandescence. Today, he still strives.

In the main GETXOPHOTO unfolds on the streets of Getxo, which is situated on the coast of the Basque Country but lies very close to the city of Bilbao, and has been driven by the Begihandi collective since 2007. GETXOPHOTO is committed to the exploration of formats, materials and non-conventional exhibition spaces. This, together with careful artistic programming and the direct involvement of local agents, is one of its main hallmarks. In this year’s edition, under the aegis of the new artistic director, Monica Allende, the festival will venture onto new terrain, casting a glance too at new narratives and technologies.

Submitted by Joana Sendra

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Lucia Janto

Photographer and Head of contents in GETXOPHOTO Photography Festival.

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