
Another Love

untitled, Delhi, November

Another Love, photo essay by Devashish Gaur

There are a few things you can never change, you can only adapt and embrace each moment that you have. Perhaps, nothing is stationary on this big giant ball, everything tends to change and end. I feel the word ‘ephemeral’ can suffice for the situation pretty well. Relations, people, time and every possible thing is transitory or existing only briefly.

In 2013. my niece was 3 when she left India for her new life in Dubai along with her parents. I always thought she would be too young to remember us. A whole new country, new life and new ways of living would probably influence her enough to forget us all. I imagined it as footsteps on wet sand on a sea shore, being washed away with little friendly waves.

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

Months passed and they paid visits to India quite frequently. She was different every time, a few things changed but some remained the same, especially her memory. She didn’t forget any of us. For myself, the fondest memory of her as a small child was her playing on the terrace all day long.

While playing random games, hiding, running and peek-a-booing with her, there was one thing that itched in me all the time: “Would it be the same next time? Maybe she will outgrow us!” After hours of contemplating life, the future, the past and everything else, I came to the realization that it is no good overthinking. This is the moment – embrace it.

She is a good 6 year old now and can easily take anything under control. You can make up things to your boss in the office about why you won’t be able to make it to it today but you can’t really deny anything to her and that includes lots of playing on the terrace no matter what.
I hope one day, when she is big enough, she will look at these and feel happy for this, I guess that would complete my purpose in a way or other. (by Devashish Gaur)

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

Q&A with Devashish Gaur

Photography is

Time, something which is lost forever or gone. Something which will never be repeated. That same fragrance, light, mood, emotions will never assemble all together in that particular place ever again, it was only that one time. A photograph can exist more than the span of existence of both the photographer and the people in it. It is preserved life, it is a chance to re-live somehow. It is the bridge between present, past and the future.

Photography and writing

Getting together is an ambiguous thing as of now. Sometimes, it feels like there should be no text along with pictures and they should work on their own to let the viewer understand what is being shown or interpreted by oneself. But on the other hand, sometimes it feels like writing is required to direct the story on your own. Both of these mediums separately requires lot’s of hard work to be honed. Both of these are one of the purest form of self expression and can do wonders if used in an appropriate way together.

Who left the biggest impression on you?
My first crush was Steve McCurry, it was orgasmic for my eyes back then. Then, my taste and interests shifted to different people, out of which Josef Koudelka, James Nachtwey, Alex Webb, Raghubir Singh and Harry Gruyaert can be said to be the most influential ones yet.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the readers?
I am trying to find and work on my artistic voice which is a very confusing process (for me). You sometimes do something and think over and over on it that if it is even worth it but then you think, “worth for what?”.

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

untitled, Delhi, November

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